Google’s Academia

This platform currently hosts many of my preliminary papers, essays, articles and notes on the subjects which have a particular resonance or significance and are freely available for students or enthusiasts of “William Shakespeare” and other related subjects or topics. If you are a subscribed member you are entitled to download them as pdf files free of charge. There are literally millions of other users from the academic and student world with whom you can share your particular interest. They have also been used by Artificial Intelligence (eg: Chat GPT) presumably for mining data on the Shakespeare Authorship Question.
A concise history of the evolution of Tarot card divination from early inception in the 13-14th centuries up to our modern day.
the Megalithic Secrets & Origins of the 22 Tarot Trumps.
An analysis of poetry and its ultimate meaning in genres from the 16th to the modern contemporary forms.

An examination of all or most of the vast literary sources that were read or translated and which were the material on which the author based his characters narratives and plots.

Shakespeare’s Astrology
Shakespeare’s references to astrology and their relevance in Elizabethan England.

A Rural Calendar 
The latest in my series of articles entitled “A Rural Calendar” which month by month explores the significance of customs and traditions practised by the inhabitants of the British Isles in the past.

Group Dynamics & the Enneagram
My recent paper outlining the forces, personalities and elements that distinguish positive and negative group activity and thought.

Shakespeare’s Music, Song & Dance
Shakespeare’s references to the “Music of the Spheres”, his philosophical and religious views found in his plays and poetry.

Shakespearean Drama
How was Elizabethan drama originally conceived and developed and how does it differ from today’s attempts at staging Shakespeare’s Dramas?

“Shakespeare’s Cornucopia”
The Literary Sources, Dramatic Structures and Synopses of Shakespeare’s Plays.

“De-Coding Shakespeare”

In Henry IVth Part One and in Henry Vth, the real life circumstances of an anonymous author and pseudonymous playwright.

Shakespeare’s Tarrochi
A series of posts that compares the 22 Tarot Trumps to the plays of William Shakespeare.

“De-Coding Shakespeare”
In Henry IVth Part One and in Henry Vth, the real life circumstances of an anonymous author and pseudonymous playwright.

Shakespeare’s Almanack
An alternative view of the Festive, Calendrical & Seasonal Cycle of Elizabethan Plays. A study in the Elizabethan festival cycle of dramatic presentations that resonate with time and place or the seasonal round.

“Not Without Mustard”

A screenplay submission using Shakespeare’s text from plays and poetry to re-define the author’s life as Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford.

Shakespeare’s Tarot

A review of the various Tarot decks which are based on a Shakespearean theme based on a series of posts that compares the 22 Tarot Trumps to the plays of William Shakespeare.

Shakespeare’s Almanack

A study in the Elizabethan festival cycle of dramatic presentations that resonate with time and place or the seasonal round.

Dionysus, The Mythology & Morphology Re-Examined

A re-examination of the elusive Greek God, his symbolism and meaning.

The Christian Kabala of “William Shake-speare”

An Examination of the Allusions and Structures to the Rosicrucian, Cabalist and Alchemical Teachings in William Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry.

Reiterating Shakespeare’s Italian Legacy

Stratfordians tend to ignore the amount of Italian drama found in Shakespeare’s 1623 Folio of plays for the simple reason that they are unable to substantiate any visit to Italy by William Shaksberd of Stratford-upon-Avon. Nearly half of Shakespeare’s plays have an Italian connection, allusion or reference which some academics have explained by saying he was instructed or mentored in the genre by friends, associates or literary figures such as Giovanni Florio-an Italian born Jew who converted to Christianity.

